Sunday 28 December 2008

28 Days Later Analysis

Over the Christmas holiday we were told to watch a clip of the movie we chose in class and analyse how suspense is created.
In the film 28 Days Later suspense was created in a variety of different ways which included the use of different camera techniques, for example the first shot that we get is at a slanted angle and we are looking at the main character through a glass wall, thereafter we hear this character say “hello” but the only response we hear is an echo of his voice; this shows that he may be alone and if he’s not we don’t know what is lurking around. In the second scene we see the rest of the hospital which looks as if a chaotic event had taken place, we know this from the mise en scene; chairs scattered across the floor, and telephones hanging of their hooks. All of this gets the audience thinking that an event has happened in which people have panicked. In the third scene we once again see the hospital looking very chaotic as there are cans of fizzy drink all over the floor and the vending machine looks as if it had been broken into. After this we get a shot of the main character peeping over a ledge and in the background we see very unattractive buildings, but these buildings also helped convey a sense of danger as they were bigger than the main character, thus making him appear smaller. After this we are shown an high angle shot of the hospital and can just about notice the main character in this shot, once again emphasising the main characters status as very low. In this part of the scene we are shown the man on a bridge where there are newspapers all over the floor but the camera quickly cuts to a very long shot showing a deserted Central London which as we know is very unusual, if not impossible. This added to the suspense as their was nobody around and anything could jump out at anytime. Later on we get a long shot of the main character walking, this shot is shown through a smashed window which once again conveys to us the audience previous unease and chaos. Starting from round about half way through this clip we start to his this non-diagetic, sad music. This sad music gradually gets louder as the scene goes on making us the audience think something is about to happen.

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