Sunday 14 December 2008

newspaper thriller

In Our Lessons we had to prepare for a thriller clip. Firstly we were put into groups my group members were ola sevin and henok. we started with a storyboard of how our thriller would be so it was basically a preparation/plan before we did the real thing, we took digital cameras and took pictures of ola reading a newspaper on a chair and henok snooping around near the door, we were only able to take 12 shots so we tried to do a lot of different angles and camera shots to show what the storylines about by having close ups of the facial expressions, over the shoulder shot to show what he's reading etc. after we finished taking the pictures we printed them out and checked them to see if the shots were right.

The next lesson we were starting our thriller clip but me and shevin weren't able to do it that day due to religious reasons, so our other two members of the group had to do the work, they did a great job on getting the shots and as soon as me and sevin came back to the lesson we started on the editing with them. we used Macs computers for our editing, firstly we had to choose our first shot and cut some of the shots and join it together we had a lot of different ideas from the group so it was much easier to create the clips. our first shot was ola reading a newspaper with a happy expression on his face and then a close up of the newspaper he was reading, a over the shoulder shot to show us that someone was looking at ola near the door, a panning shot from the feet following up to henoks waist, another shot of ola(close up), then a long shot of henok walking towards ola, the camera goes back to ola trying to get away (hand held camera to show his movement and struggle) and lastly a medium shot of olas chair spinning around. after the editing we had to add the music which was kind of difficult because there was little time and so many to choose from, we werent able to complete all of the soundtrack for our clip but what we did so far was put joyful music when the camera was on olas happy face but then creepy music when the camera was on henok to show fear and danger which in contrast with the happy music and then the camera went back on ola and it went back to joyful music indicating that ola is not aware of the danger he is in which raises tension. we then added the soundtrack to the clip and saved it to the hard drive.

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