Monday 2 March 2009

Having to film again

On our double lesson on Monday 23rd February, we had planned to spend the majority of our time on completing editing our thriller opening and adding the relevant soundtrack. However, we came across a flaw; there wasn't a shot of Selma opening her eyes as we still had not purchased the contact lenses. This was vital as the loss of the shot enabled the audience to see the abnormality in the pigment of her eye colour. Therefore we had to film the very end of our thriller again this was very time consuming as we had to get the lighting and camera positioning the exact same thus leaving us less time to edit.

Another problem we came face to face with while filming, we realised that we no longer had the fake blood; Selma was not wearing the same clothes as she was and her was in a different style on our previously filming. This was a very challenging task for us to complete and as a result, to overcome this problem we decided that we would only show Selma's face and not the rest of her body, if we did we would be exposing the fact that she was not dressed the same. However, this was also very challenging for our team and was trying different techniques and camera angles trying to find the perfect shot. Eventually we thought that the high angle shot was the ideal shot as it did not point out the loss of blood on Selma's face, as well as exposing our flaw on her costume.

Eventually we finished filming the closing of our thriller opening and then went straight onto logging and capturing so we could watch back what we had just filmed. To our shock, one of group members realised that the lighting of the closing shot was completely different to the rest of the sequence; the red lighting was too strong in the last shot. This was very frustrating for our group as we were racing against time and had no time to argue and went straight onto filming the shot again!

As a group, we all felt much pressurised as this meant that both of our actors had to get back into character and re-film the last shot over again until we get it perfect. Eventually we got the lighting right and finalised our filming and could now go back to editing, we logged and captured what we had recently filmed and were extremely relieved to see that the lighting was perfect this time and once we added the shot onto the sequence it flowed smoothly.

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