Sunday 1 March 2009

Wednesday - Enrichment time when the rest of my group had left.

The same day after I had finished the soundtrack, I decided to stay and extra 30minutes to add a simple effect I had just spontaneously thought of. This was to process in final cut pro. Because my group decided not to use the scene at Kings cross of the red light, I decided to use a close up of the red light in that scene and fade it into one of the shots of Selma lying down on the table. I believe this would be effective because we needed at least on message to give to the audience that Selma was an alien so I decided to fade the red light in when she was about to open her eyes so that it would keep on appearing and disappearing constantly until she opened her eyes. While I was doing this even added an heartbeat to go with the flashing red light to that it seemed as the red light was calling the alien and they had to be re-connected, which was the main message for my thriller and that’s the main purpose of why we decided to call it Dis-connected.

After I had done this, I add the image of the gas-o-meter at King’s Cross so that it would give It that spiritual kind of look to it as sci-fi thrillers are suppose to do that. When I was doing this, I had to be careful because I did not want to give too much away to the audience, as it is only an opening sequence to a thriller and because this would spoil the suspense created through watching it. This aspect I had just added made the whole opening thriller make much more suspenseful and made more sense. I also told this to the rest of my group that I had done this and they were amazed at my creativity and glad I added this part to the thriller.

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