Sunday 8 March 2009

Class Feedback

During today’s lesson (Monday 2nd March 2009) we watched each others thrillers openings and gave feedback, both positive feedback and constructive criticism.

I felt very good when our video was played as everybody was talking at first; just before the video came on and as soon as our thriller opening did come on everyone’s attention was instantly focused on what was happening on-screen. I was also very pleased with our sound as everybody thought all the diagetic sounds were real, when in fact it was artificially done on the computer.

The feedback that we received from the class was also very pleasing as most of it was positive. People really enjoyed aspects such as the match cuts, the precision of the sound, and the way that the title is presented.

However the main criticism that we received was that the plot was not conveyed well enough, though we argued that we wanted to leave a lot to the audiences imagination, thus making them wanting to see more.

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