Sunday 22 March 2009


All of the images/logo's below show places where clips and trailers can be easily posted for either low cost or no cost; and also these are places where our target market are most likely to be whilst socialising online.

This is the certificate rating that i feel our thrill would receive if it was to be made into a full movie.

After a short travel through a red tunnel our title sequence comes unto the screen.

The white light starts off the zoom into Selma's characters eye.

Selma's eye is revealed and it is purple. This then leads to a transition with a zoom into her eye that eventually turns into our title sequence.

This close up shows me revealing Selma's characters eyes.

This over the shoulder shot is the closest the audience get to seing my characters face and identity.

During this shot I was puting gloves on, and we once again added sound to give it affect (slapping sound) drew the audiences attention to the significance gloves.

This shot shows my character opening a briefcase, we added clicking sounds to help build more tension.

This timeline shows after we had added the credits.

Close up of my hand opening the door, created tension through adding diagetic sounds of a creaking door.

First shot with my character behind a blue window that covers his true identity.

Timeline for when we were creating the thriller.

High angle shot showing this character bleeding, but with also a slight fade showing a gas-meter.

CCTV shot which was done using the LiveType software.

As the camera starts to move to give the audience a clearer picture.

Our opening shot behind a fan. This was done to create confusion and keep the audience thinking.

The title 'Dis-Connected' which was made on the software LiveType.

I personally feel that we used the forms and conventions of real media products, especially thrillers. For example in our opening sequence we created a tense mood through the use of diagetic sounds e.g. the sound of the blades of a fan. This created tension as this noise got gradually louder and louder. Also the way in which we shot this seen made it look as if it was a point of view shot, making the audience feel as if they were personally in the room.

In one of the documentaries that we watched I remembered what Jean Jacques ( A French Director) had said: "leave all the big and interesting scene till the middle"; this was to ensure all the excitement was not packed into the introduction, leaving the rest of the movie to be boring. I personally think that our group used his idea in an appropriate way as our thriller opening starts off smoothly, but at the same time leaving the audience thinking about what is going on and what is going to happen next.

The people/social groups that I think our media product represents would be teenagers aged 15-19 to young adults aged 20-26. Preferably males, though it may be likely that they have girlfriends that will unwillingly come along to watch the film. However women may also watch our thriller as one of the main characters is a female. This thriller will appeal more to those specified that live in urban/city environments, and are looking for a movie to give them the ‘chills’. I feel that if our movie was to certified it would be rated as Certificate 15, as their are too not many graphic scenes, nude scenes and violent scenes.

I personally feel that our movie is to be a big Hollywood Blockbuster that is to be distributed to multiple regions and countries around the globe. I t would be distributed by big distributors such as Universal Pictures/Studios. Universal are well know for being distributors of very large scale Hollywood Blockbusters (this gives the potential audience a sense of high quality), and this is exactly what our movies is going to be. Thereafter this movie would go to DVD, adding extra scenes that were not viewable in the cinema, thus attracting more people to relive the thrill of the movie at home.

The main type of audience for our thriller would be someone from the mainstream audience, someone that is a young ‘aspirer’.
A typical person who fits our target audience would be as follows;
‘Louis, 18, works in retail (J.D Sports), enjoys going to the cinema with either friends from college who are both males and females and also his girlfriend. He is a thrill seeker who regularly attends theme parks such as Thorpe Park. In his pockets he has his phone (Apple iPhone), Debit card, Oyster card, and Blockbuster membership card.

I would aim to have a very costly but diverse advertising campaign. Advertising would be done through places were the target market will see and take notice of it. Advertising would be done on social networking sites e.g. ‘Myspace’, ‘Facebook’ and also instant messaging sites e.g. ‘Windows Live Messenger’; all these sites have a very high number of teenager and young adult usage, thus allowing us access directly to our target audience. The title ‘Dis - Connected’ would appear in all of these advertisements as repetition often gets people talking and word of mouth will also help spread the word. Their will be trailers that appear on television after 9:00pm as our target market are unlikely to be at home before then and will also be available for viewing on sites such as ‘Youtube’. And finally we would reach our target market through food sources that they are most likely to go to, for example McDonalds’; studies have showed that the main consumers of ‘fast-food’ are our a large proportion of our target market (14 - 26 year old males).
If this short thriller opening was to be made into a real film the actors that would take lead roles would be actors that can easily bring with them an inherited audience, for example I would have had Heath Ledger playing the role of the doctor (though sadly he has now passed away) and the leading actress would be Kate Winslet. Both of these stars are highly recognised, are critically acclaimed, are Oscar winners, thus adding more ‘hype’ amongst the critics and audience.

Whilst in the process of making this thriller I came into contact with technology that I would not have used on a daily basis. For example the camera, the logging and capturing machine, Mac’s, and also software that I had to get familiar with using e.g. Final Cut pro and LiveType. At first I found it very daunting to use these new software as they looked very complicated, but once I was taught how to use it I felt very confident with using the different software.
The internet also played a big role in this project as everything to do with the thriller was to be blogged online on the site . This website played the role of an online diary of everything that we did or went through whilst making our thriller opening and it really gives the reader an organic insight into everything that we did. Also the internet has made it increasingly easier for young professionals to get their work shown to people; for example videos can be easily uploaded and ready to be shown to the world through sites/social networking sites such as:
These are all sites where there is a huge amount of people that can easily come into contact with your work. All of these sites have broken the barrier between budding film makers and a wide range of potential audience.

During the time that we were at the cinema I was very nervous as I was very worried that the wrong video of our thriller would be played. My nerves were shortly put to rest as our thriller was the second video to be shown in the cinema, and it was the right clip; to my delight. Before our thriller was about to start their was quite a bit of talking amongst the audience but as soon as it started everybody was very quiet as the first scene must have caught their attention. During the time our thriller was being played I heard positive comments such as:

“That match-cut was very good”
“I like that shot”

All these comments made me feel very proud and proved to me that our hard work had paid off. After our thriller had finished people were still talking about it and I once again received very good feedback after everybody’s clips had been shown.

Looking back I feel that the exercises that we had done really helped us to know what we were doing. For example the ‘match cut’ exercises helped us to really master the art of match cutting and thus allowing us to get it right when doing it for our thriller project.
Also I have learnt that the film making process is painstakingly long as there is always so much to do. For example planning the story or plot; which I must say is the toughest part, storyboarding the whole thing in exact order, finding potential locations, filming, and editing; which is the longest part.

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