Monday 9 March 2009

Friday 27th February - Final DEADLINE!!!

Today was the deadline for the whole thriller project and whatever has been done at 3pm would determine your grade so I knew this was going to be a very stressful and tense day for every AS media student regardless if they were nearly finished.

I had a mourning lesson on this day at 9am so I came in at 9:15 with Sevin so we could do 45minutes of work in the morning. We finished off the credits from starting it the previous day. This would mean that we were nearly finished and we were all excited. Me and Sevin then saved our work and then went to our lessons. Ola had informed us that he would come in and try do some work because he did not have a mourning lesson.

After my lesson, I came and joined Ola in the editing room and noticed it was very packed. The deadline was like in 2:30hours so things got hectic. When Sevin came she tried to attach the credits but we needed help with this as we had never done this and were not prepared to screw up our work at the last minute. So Micky came an attached our credits with our film, but there had been something wrong. The sound did not then match our film. this made us panic and we thought we had messed up our thriller. This was going to be a very bad problem as we didn’t know what the problem was and time was ticking away.

At first we thought that it was a small gap in our thriller but, we then fixed it and the same problem occurred. We did not have a clue what to do, but we had to keep our composure and have faith that our work will be finished on time to the standard we wanted it to be. When we asked our teacher, Rebecca, to try and identify our problem, she was not sure what the problem was and said that we might have to do our whole soundtrack again. Stress started to break free as it took us two days to make that soundtrack and it would be impossible to make a similar soundtrack in about two hours. After we looked at it again we suggested to our teacher that it might be something to do with the credits because the problem occurred when we added the credits.

We then soon found out that it was the credits and that it was created wrongly. So we deleted the credits off our film and we thought we had to make the credits again but Micky said we can put it on a different way. The credits made before had been made for another unfinished version of our film and that’s why the soundtrack didn’t come out right. Micky then turned the credits to individual clips and this meant that we just had to chop it up by making ‘in’ and ‘out’ points, and then attach it to our thriller. This saved us and a lot of time. We finally overcame this unexpected problem and we just now needed to create the title.

We made the title on LiveType because there was a specific effect I wanted to use. One little problem occurred again, this was trying to make the effect work. This just needed some adjustments and everything became clear and looked perfect. With an hour and a bit left we had finally finished. This was a long adventure full of ups and downs but we pulled though and did not show one sign of giving up.

After we finished we saved our final copy on our hardrive as ‘final edit’ we then informed the rest of my group, because they were in lesson that we had finally finished. I was surprised by Ola’s dedication as he missed the first half of his lesson informing his teacher, just to finally finish this thriller, even though I told him I would handle it and that he did not need to miss part of the lesson.

Now the thing we were now looking forward to is to watch our thriller on the big screen, in Vue cinema in Angel.

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