Friday 20 March 2009

Class Feedback

During our first lesson after our thriller openings had been submitted, this lesson was used to watch back what we had created and the work the rest of the other groups had produced. As we were all watching all the groups' thrillers the rest of the class acted as critics, made notes on aspects which they thought was good and bad. We were then asked to give our feedback on what we thought.

As my group was Group 2 our thriller had been shown second in the class. At first our teacher, Mary had loaded the wrong video, this frightened me a lot as I had not seen the finalised version of our thriller and thought this was what it had looked like. To my relief our group members said that it was the wrong video, she then loaded our finalised version of our thriller and were now waiting for our class to give their feedback on what they thought of our thriller, what shots, clips and angles worked well together and what didn't.

As a group, we were all very pleased to see our thriller in its finalised form because the quality of our thriller reflected the dedication, time and effort we put into it. We were very glad to see the positive response from our class. We had actually predicted that we would get such a positive response as we were the first group to create a supernatural thriller and all the sounds on our thriller opening were non-diegetic, all created on Sound Pro, the software we used to create our soundtrack on.

As we were listening to all the other groups' feedback on our thriller we were glad to see that there were not any negative comments. One of the parts of the thriller which the audience liked the most was; at the very beginning of the opening of our thriller, they thought the fan was a cage and that Selma was trapped in the cage. This was a very unusual response as that was not the effect we had intended to create. Another part of our thriller that got the most positive response was the shot from the CCTV camera, they thought that it was a great idea to use and worked really well with all the other shots.

Our thriller was different and unique to all the other thrillers that we created as no other group had used the same theme of supernatural for their thrillers.

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