Monday 23 March 2009


Media Evaluation

After all the hard work and the constant editing we finally finished our thriller clip, we had our final clip to send off to the examiner. We definitely made sure there were no mistakes and made sure if there could have been improvements, no improvements were needed as we were very sure this was the best it could be. We definitely created an effective piece, we all put our ideas and teamwork which was a great outcome. Everyone completed their thriller clip, and we all watched each others clip to get feedback from the other group to help us with our evaluation and get different views about the clip and to see if they understood what kind of effects we were trying to interpret in this clip.

To help us understand the whole concept of what makes a good thriller film, we had to watch different type’s of thrillers and what made it so effective . We had to make our media product seem real, make it seem like a real and professional piece, we watched movie openings of thriller films like “the shining” , “ what lies beneath” etc and brainstormed why the genre was a thriller how it created the tension and suspense and why it was so effective, there were a lot of ideas to choose from to make a great thriller film, there are so many different aspects of a thriller film, you have to be careful with every technique you use and try to include the main features needed for each shot . Everything is important in the scene, everything within that space of the camera play an important part to create a thriller and make it suspenseful, e.g. the setting, props, lighting, make-up, shot angle etc. in lesson we watched a documentary about thriller films and how it can be portrayed in different ways in the opening scene.

We didn’t want our thriller film to be targeted at older people over their 20’s it was kind of difficult to represent that social group because the actors were young, we preferred to target the “teens” to have more of connection with the that certain social group because we understand what teenagers prefer in a film, and how to attract them. The genre is supernatural thriller, very freaky quite chilling, and this is what teens want in a film, this is what their interested in, they like high levels of suspense and guessing what’s going to happen next, and why this is happening, their curious in knowing these things, and for them to find out these things they have to carry on watching the film, and this is how we pull them into watching more and more of it.

We tried to make out thriller film seem as real as possible like the thriller films on television which are distributed by big Hollywood names and are worldwide. This was the general idea for our film we wanted it to be big and worldwide, if we was able to show it, I would want to be bigger then just a little UK film release, I would want to release this film in cinemas and advertise it everywhere and then release it out on DVD. Personally I think if it was released in the UK, the film would turn out well but not as successful as it would be if it was worldwide, and to make it worldwide it would have to be released in America as well, that’s where our film would succeed and be recognized by big Hollywood names.


By attracting our audience we have to understand them for them to understand our film, even though we don’t have a big star in our film, we don’t need one, our film is fresh , it really connects with our targeted audiences, and for them to see how we are trying to reach out to them, we would advertise as much as possible for example adverts/trailers on TV ,billboards on buses, but I wouldn’t suggest advertising our film in MacDonald’s because it would ruin the whole atmosphere of our “thriller” film, people wouldn’t’t take it seriously and were not targeting children under 12 years, so we have to be careful with how we advertise it, we have to reach out to them by thinking how they find film’s and where they watch it, we need to use the same technology they use like the internet and TV and advertise our film in places where they are more likely to see it.

Even though it take’s a whole lot of experience to be a professional film maker and be in the media industry, I have learnt so much in just making a 2-3 minute thriller which really taught me things I didn’t know about, it gave me a taste of a whole different side to media and how difficult it can be to create an effect you need in a film, you have to be careful with every little detail and give out the right idea to the audiences. Everything played an important part in making a thriller, the camera; using a lot of different angles, shots, effects, I didn’t really use the camera because I was one of the actresses so it was mainly another person in my group but I still manage to take time and understand how to use the camera with the tripod and without and shoot some angles to understand and see what kind of effect each shot gives. We used IMAC computers and made edited out film on final cut pro, it was quite a challenge for me because I have never used final cut pro and I found it difficult to understand how it works, but as lessons went pass I learnt something new everyday. I started to understand how films were made, it was interesting, I had a completely different idea on how films were made but now it is clearer to me, you have to put a lot of hard work in to it. Overtime technology has improved and it is much easier for filmmaker’s to create any effect they want. Each lesson we would have to write about on the internet and blog them, and explain everything we did and talk about everything we learned, just updating everything we done and how far we have gotten, blogging really did help, if we didn’t understand something we would do our own research and learn more. The internet is an essential technology to the media world nowadays anyone can be discovered by using You Tube, vimeo and blogs, you can just post your videos on them which is simple and easy, this is part of advertising a film by using the internet, and especially our film is targeted towards teens. Teenagers use the internet a lot; this is what is needed to be discovered and to get feedback from the wide range of audiences, who use the internet.



Before making our thriller we had to do some practical work and practice using the camera and doing different shots and learned about match-cuts, which I never knew about and when I learned about match-cuts I was able to absorb the information quickly and was able to do a great match cut scene on final cut pro after filming and logging and capturing, I learned how to edit and join shots together to make it run smoothly, every detail of a film is crucial, once we got that out of the way we practiced using storyboards to understand how we have to set out our film. Planning the whole thing was kind of hard because we couldn’t agree on an idea, all the ideas were great but too complicated, but then we all agreed on an idea which was a great idea, this shows that teamwork is important we were all able to co-operate with each other and listen to each others opinion we also learnt about working as a team. When we first filmed, we had the experience of using a camera from practicing so we was able to work quick instead of figuring out how to use the equipment. Editing was the longest part we had to log and capture then figure out what scene to put first and also remember the time limit, we had to use all the spare time we had to edit, and come to workshops, if it wasn’t for all the hard work and effort we put in to make this thriller it wouldn’t of been good as it should be it wouldn’t of reached it’s potential, but my group were very dedicated to the media work and so throughout this whole film process, I personally think I have achieved a lot and learned everything I needed to learn about film making and I would like to carry on media in the future to learn more about different film genres and how they create different effects for each film and coming up with new ideas.

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