Monday 9 March 2009

Monday 2nd Mach - Class Feedback of completed Thrillers!

This lesson was about feedback on everyone in my class’s thriller. After a long dramatic stressful week, this is where our hard work pays off are as we hear what an audience would say about my thriller. The rest of the class acted as critics to my thriller after we watched my thriller. This happened to every group in my class so we all had something to say about everyone’s thriller. This was a much more relaxing lesson and felt better because we were rewarded on our hard work. The task was to watch all the thrillers and make positive and negative comments on each thriller.

My thriller came up second in the class. Mary, my teacher put up the wrong copy up on the screen first which gave my group the fright as it was unfinished and the sound did not match the film, before it carried on we immediately told Mary it was the wrong one and she uploaded the correct one. This was scary because this mistake could easily happen when we watch all the thrillers on Thursday 12th March in the cinema, and to avoid this we told he it was the copy which said “final Edit”.

I, and my group, was very excited to watch our final piece because of the amount of work and dedication that went into the work. We knew that our thriller would get a huge round of applause and from our class and receive positive comments. My group and me were very pleased to see the positive reaction from every one and this made us feel that all the time we spent on our thriller was worth every single bit.

The next part was the hardest because everyone had to comment on our thriller which was a little tense, even though that we knew our thriller was to a high extent. Incredibly, all the comments were positive and there were no negative comments. Most were about how much they liked the opening sequence and the way we communicated to the audience through the film, like the CCTV shot on Selma was made purposely unclear to tell the audience that Selma was not human and that she was some kind of alien life form. Everyone liked all the shots and particularly the sound because it sounded so professional to them. One person said “I thought the non-diagetic sound was the actual sound from when you were filming because it matched the film so well”. This was because the timing was to precision all throughout the whole thriller. My class were amazed by how unique my thriller was as it was totally different form everyone else’s in the class.

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