Tuesday 3 March 2009

Our second filming session (King's cross)

Due to the snow on Monday we weren’t able to attend media lesson and therefore not able to film our thriller clip so on Thursday’s lesson we had to pick up the speed and film a lot. Ola wasn’t able to attend this lesson because he had the flu so me Henok and Sevin went to kings cross to film that scene instead of the scene in the media room because we needed Ola as well to do that scene so we filmed the part at king’s cross because only one character was present in this scene. It was only a 5 minute ride on the bus without no traffic, it wasn’t to far and we had enough time to film what we needed. I had brought in all my clothes and props needed for this scene so we was all well prepared and as we arrive to the industrial site in kings cross there was still some snow on the floor from Monday and this was an advantage for the setting of this scene because it created the effect we wanted to make it look supernatural.

When we arrived at king’s cross gas-o-meter we weren’t able to film next to the gas-o-meter because of some construction work being done, we asked the guard if we were able to but his boss didn’t allow us because of health and safety, but we were able to film near to it outside the fence and we still had a great view of the gas-o-meter it was a shame that we couldn’t film next to it but we had to work with what we had. It was still close enough but it would have been great to be able to pan up from the bottom of it. Once we set up the camera and tripod, I already had my costume on and Sevin helped me make it dirty with dirt and mud from the floor .The dirt on the clothes would create that sense of suspicion to the audience, they would ask themselves why has she got dirty clothes, what happened? We give them some information but still make them wonder.

As soon as Sevin finished with my clothes she also messed up my hair and put dirt on my face. Henok got the camera and tripod ready to film, he already had the angle and shot he was going to film first which was the gas-o-meter, he done more then one shot of it, he done pan up, long shot, close-up, long-shot to a close-up. And then it was time for me to be filmed, we placed the red light which is supposed to be a device which the “alien” is meant to protect, there was a lot of close ups of the red light, and then a close-up of me picking up the red light device and slowly bringing it up, while the camera is panning up towards my face. Then afterwards we had to shoot the pan up of me quite a few times to get the right timing and then the red light came up to my face and I looked in the red light, Henok did a close up shot of my eyes staring in the light, then I turned the red light towards the gas-o-meter while Henok was following what I was doing and got a shot of the gas-o-meter and me facing towards it putting the red light up in the air.

For each of these scenes we had to shoot it more then once, we needed a lot of different variety of shots, angles etc. because we didn’t want to come back again to king’s cross over a silly mistake. We decided to look over the footage before we left to go back to school, and an error occurred, by accident the camera was left on recording when we thought it was not recording so it wasted a lot of the tape, we were still confused on how to use the camera we didn’t know if it was recording or when it wasn’t.

Overall, we filmed quite a lot, we could have done more but time went by quickly and we had to return to college, even with the problems with the camera recording at the wrong time which messed up the whole order of the film, we were able to sort it out with our quick thinking and team work we put a lot of group effort and I find that we did well and captured all the shots necessary for this thriller film.

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