Sunday 1 March 2009

Wednesday 25th February - Apply Soundtrack during Enrichment Time.

During Wednesday’s enrichment time, my group decided to use this time wisely and spend it in the editing room so we could pick and add our soundtrack to our opening sequence. This process was not very long as me and Ola had already, the previous day, wrote down all the possible sounds we could use for this thriller. While searching for these sounds, we came over some interesting sounds that we thought could also be very effective in our thriller. Even though we found the right sounds for our thriller, we had to put it in the correct timing of when it is appropriate such as, the footsteps and the putting on of the surgery gloves. All these were a little difficult and frustrating because some did not fit the action but as we had to stretch the film on the soundtrack pro from seconds to milliseconds, making it more precise, this became much easier. Up to this point, Selma had to leave because she had to be somewhere at a particular time so she went, leaving Me, Ola and Sevin to carry on.

We did not go through many problems when undertaking the soundtrack. This procedure went very smoothly and was looking good when attached to the film. At 4:45pm, Ola had to leave and the remaining people in the group were Sevin and me. As soon as we were about to finish, the fire alarm went off, meaning that everyone had to be evacuated from the building immediately. We soon found out that this was a false alarm and because of this, we had lost a lot of time and made us loose our enthusiasm. The time we got back into the building, most people decided to leave including my group member Sevin but I decided to quickly finish off what we had started. At around 5:30pm, Sevin went home and I had finished to soundtrack at 5:50pm. This was a great and long experience as I wanted to be apart of making the soundtrack because I was most interested in this part of the project. Later that day I informed my group members that I had finished the soundtrack off and that it sounded amazing. I left college at 6:30pm, which was the latest I have every left college in my life and I felt very satisfied with the tremendous amount of work I had done that day.

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