Sunday 1 March 2009

Thursday 26th February - Credits and Efects Applied

On Thursday we planned to do the credits for the thriller. Our media lesson was in the afternoon and was a 1hour and 40 minutes long. Because we thought that we would not be able to finish on time so Selma and Sevin planned that they would come early to college to start the credits as me and Ola had morning lessons so we couldn’t do it with them. However Sevin came in during lunch and Selma couldn’t make it so she decided to start herself. I came after my lesson and helped her during lunch time. Sevin was taught how 2 do the credits so I jus assisted her and my group trusted her to do a good job. This was kind of a long process as none of us were familiar with the software so mistakes were being made were frequent.

After lunch it was our media lesson so we carried on with that and then experimented on the effect I found earlier on LIVE TYPE. We found out we could change the colour of the effect as the original colour was green and red so we changed it to red and black. This is because the green would look odd and wouldn’t symbolise anything. This was great and looked nice. We were still thinking if we should film that last part of our thriller still as our other footage was not good enough. We ask Mickey if he could just zoom into Selma’s eye on the computer and replied yes, but there would be a slight problem as the image would look a little fuzzy. Taking into consideration that the deadline was the next day, we no choice but to zoom into her eye even if it looked a little bit fuzzy. This saved us a lot of time.

By the end of the lesson Sevin had nearly finished the credits and the special effect was added to the sequence. Me and Ola stayed back as we didn’t have a lesson next, so we brushed up any rough parts. This made us see the small simple mistakes and adjusted to it to make it look better. After this there wasn’t much we could do so we decided to call it a day and come into college the next day to make everything perfect for the final day.

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