Monday 2 March 2009

26th February - Rush of finalising our thriller

During our Thursday lesson with Rebecca (26th Feb) we continued to edit from where Henok had left off on the previous night. However as we began to check that our opening sequence flowed smoothly and everything was in its correct order we were met with yet another problem. We realised that in order to apply the Live Type effect of the wormhole we needed a shot zooming into Selma's eyes. We discussed this and decided that if we went back to film the shot again it would consume a lot of our time, so we decided to ask for Mickey assistance. We asked if it was possible if we could add a zooming effect onto the shot of Selma opening her eyes, fortunately he said we could but this also come with the fact that the quality of shot would be lost as we would be stretching the image making the image blur. As frustrating as it was that the closing of our thriller opening would not be of the same quality of the rest of the sequence, we had no other choice but to carry on with adding the zoom onto the image.

This was a rational decision as we did not have enough to film that shot again, this also made up for the time we lost when the fire drill had gone off and we had to be evacuated out of the building. After adding the zooming effect onto the image then onto the sequence, I got straight onto adding the credits onto our thriller opening. With the help of Ola giving me ideas on what I should include on credits, we completed the credits very swiftly.

After we finally added on the credits onto our thriller opening sequence, we needed to apply the wormhole effect which Henok had found on Live Type onto the closing of our sequence. After finding the wormhole effect on the Live Type software, I saw that the effect was a green colour and this did not match the concept of our thriller. Again, we decided to ask for Mickey's assistance, unfortunately he told us that we could not change the colour of the effect as that is the way it had been created. I was very annoyed by this and could not accept the fact that we were not able to change the colour of the effect. I decided to browse around with the Live Type toolbar and to my delight, I found that I could change the colour of the effect. This was very relieving for my group and I as it meant that we could still use the effect we wanted as they were thinking of alternate effects instead of the wormhole one.

We were very close to completing our thriller opening but despite staying in after lessons to finish it off, we still ran out of time that day.

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