Monday 2 March 2009

Wednesday 25th Feb - Enrichment

During our enrichment on Wednesday, our group decided to use this time to our advantage and to complete fully editing and adding our soundtrack onto our thriller opening sequence. As challenging as finding the perfect soundtrack is, thanks to our two group members; Ola and Henok as they had stayed in the editing suite in their own time to chose appropriate sounds for the sequence, this made it very easy for us as they had made a list of the names of the sounds and effects.

Although we had a list of our appropriate sound for our soundtrack, we also had to add it onto our thriller sequence and make sure that everything was in time, the sound effects of footsteps, rubber gloves, scissors etc. This was extremely challenging for Henok and I as it was difficult to make sure everything was in exact unison with the filming and we had to stretch the duration of our thriller opening, thus leaving us to not just make sure the seconds fitted together but also the milliseconds. However, it all started to get much easier as we were becoming more familiar with the software. Applying our soundtrack onto our opening sequence was not as hard as it was now but two group members; Ola and Selma needed to leave for particular reasons, leaving only Henok and I to complete the rest of the soundtrack.

To add to our frustration the fire alarm went off and everyone had to be evacuated. As we were carrying on with our work, this was very frustrating as we were trying to finish our work as quickly as possible and Henok and I both were staying back in our own time to complete it. After standing outside the college at our assembly point for several minutes we were later informed that it was a false alarm, this put us under a lot of pressure as we had even less time to edit our work. To add even more frustration I had to leave college at about 5.30pm as something urgent happened at home and Henok was left to finish off the soundtrack. This was not such a down turn for him as he was very enthusiastic about chosing and applying the soundtrack himself therefore, he made sure everything was in unison with the action.

I am very proud of myself and of my group especially Henok as his dedication gave me and the rest of the group more enthusiasm. Overall, I believe that our group deserve a rewarding grade as we all put as much as we could.

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