Monday 2 March 2009

Final Day Rush

On the final day of our deadline, the rush in the media department was unbelievable, everyone was rushing and working as hard as they could to make sure they meet the deadline and that their thriller opening would not be incomplete. As we had predicted there were hardly and spare computers left to work on our thriller opening so we dediced that at least one of our group members should come in early for a morning session in the editing suite to ensure that we have a computer to work on. As all the group members apart from Ola had morning lessons, he chose to come in in the morning to work on and polish up our thriller.

Not long after Ola had arrived at the editing suite, he was joined by Henok. As I had a completely full day in college that day, I could not stay in the editing suite as much as I could have, unfortunately after I had come back early from my lunch break to look at where we had got since the morning I was told that they had come across two major problems. They had realised that the second half of our video did not match with the sound and that the credits were not in the correct order as there had been changes made on the clips after the credits were made these were major problems but thankfully were overcome with the assisstance of Micky.

As I was not present at the lunch time workshop where my group members were completing our thriller, I had been debriefed about what they had decided and what actions they had to take. They had decided to create the title of our thriller on the software called Live Type where they quickly found a title design appropriate to the theme of our thriller. However, they did find some difficulty when trying to apply the title onto the timeline.

Although I was in an English class at the time my group members were finishing off our thriller, I was constantly leaving class with the excuse of going to the lavatory to quickly run into the edit suite to see how my group was getting on and making sure there were not any issues or problems.

Overall, I am extremely impressed with the amount of work we had produced in such a tight schedule bearing in mind the cancellation of many lessons. I am also extremely pleased with the enthusiasm and dedication of our group as despite many down turns, we didn't give up and always gave the most of our ability to make sure everything was perfect.

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