Saturday 28 February 2009

Final Day, The Deadline Rush!

During the final day (Friday 27th February 2009) their was chaos as everybody was in a rush to get their thrillers finished and in prestige condition. I had come in early in the morning to get our group a computer to work on as I knew their would be a lot of people doing the same thing.

When I came in the morning I was the only member of our group their as the rest of my group had lessons that morning. After Henok had finished his lesson he immediately came up to join me in the media department.

Prior to Henok arriving to join me I had been doing some blogging and also taken the hard drive to watch our groups ‘almost’ finished work to see if their was any areas that we needed to change or adjust. As I was watching I found that the sound in the second half of our video did not match what was on-screen and this posed a very big problem for our group.

After trying to figure out what the problem with the sound was we found that it was because their had been a small gap in between the clips on the timeline and so this problem was cleared up. Though we was previously told that we may have to create the whole soundtrack again; this had me extremely worried as the soundtrack we had already made took us two days to make and we did not have long before the deadline.

After this small problem we then came across another problem, though this time it was with the credits. The credits had been created wrongly and it was too late to start again so this meant we had a huge dilemma to overcome. At first we was told that we would need to re-do our credits, but then with the assistance of Micky he found another method to join up the credits with the video. The credits made previously had been made for a previous version of our thriller and did not match with the new and improved version. Micky turn the credits into individual clips and this meant that all we had to do was put in the ‘in’ and ‘out’ points then put it on the timeline. The problem with the credits was now fixed and now all we had to do was create the title ‘Dis-Connected’.

We decided to make the title on the software ‘LiveType’ and very quickly found a title design that we liked and thought would work well. The hard part was now to get the title design to work on the timeline, we had to slow it down and move it along the timeline to create the affect that we wanted. After not long this task was also completed, and the moment I had been waiting for had arrived… I could now write finished next to our group name!

After we had finished we saved the file as all of our names with ‘final edit’ at the end and then informed Sevin as she had a lesson that we had finished. Also in order for our group to finish on time I decided not to attend the first half of my lesson as I was determined to finish our thriller before I went anywhere else.

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