Tuesday 24 February 2009

Cancellation of Lesson

Due to poor weather conditions, it snowing so deep that all of London's transport had come to a halt, our Monday lesson on the 2nd of February had to be cancelled. Out of our whole media class the cancellation of our 3 hour media lesson, this affected my group the most as we had already fallen behind on our filming and this being added on top of the frustration.
Also another reason why it was so frustrating for our group that our 3 hour media lesson was cancelled that we could have taken advantage of the snow.

The idea of filming in the snow came from watching 'The Shining' to us as we were trying to find a way on how we could use the snow to its advantage, and we remembered how Hitchcock also used snow to convey tension and mystery. However this also didn't go as we had planned, as I tried to film the red lighted device with my own digital camera but as my camera wasn't as professional as the ones we used in college, the resolution of the shots were not as of high quality and appealing enough to use for our thriller.

Overall, on the day of the cancellation of college all of our group members kept in contact and were thinking of ways which we can use this 'day off' for our advantage. We decided that we should use this period of time to think about how we can make our thriller look even better and professional. We thought of different camera shots and angles and we would have our new ideas gathered together and ready for our Thursday lesson with Rebecca.

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