Thursday 19 February 2009

Thursday 12th Febuary - First Editing Session

We had finished filming and it was now on to the editing. We know editing is very tricky when want something to turn out a particular way but doesn’t. This makes people frustrated as many people realise all the shots they missed out and really needed to flow well. Hopefully this will not affect us as we all wish not to go back to the filming, however if this does happen then at least we will have time to go back and film the missed parts.

Because this was our short lesson we decided to go to editing instead of filming our very last bit of Selma with the alien coloured contacts. We did this because we will not have enough time to buy the contacts and set the room up exactly how it was set up on Monday just to film for 10 minutes. We decided to split the group up so that each of us had a task to do so that we wouldn’t waste anytime. Ola and me, Henok, were going to start the editing by logging and capturing and Selma and Sevin would go out and buy the freaky contact lenses for when we film the scene with them in Selma’s eye.

Logging and capture was a very long and boring process but it gave us the chance to see all the filming we had done and gave us ideas of how we should order it when putting it together. We realised that we had filmed a lot which was a good and bad thing. The good thing is that we had a variety of shots to choose from but the bad thing was that we will find it difficult to fit it in two minutes. Me and Ola took turns of logging and capturing and naming the shots. By going through the shots we named to the shots we were not going to use because we could see the error we made, for example, the viewer would see the person filming shadow making it look very unprofessional. This was good that we realised these minor mistakes so that it will speed up the editing process of putting the film together as we know which shots are not going to make the final cut.

Me and Ola were wondering why it was taking Selma and Sevin so long to buy the contact lenses but when they came back they told us that the place in Angel didn’t have the particular contacts we wanted so they went Finsbury Park to buy them. The colour they brought was violet because none of the places that sell contact lenses sold red ones, which was our first choice.

By the end of the lesson, we had almost finished logging and capturing all of our filming. Our teacher announced to the class that college would be open on Monday of the half-term to all media students. Our group decided that we would be attending so we booked a computer for that day. We have been progressing very quickly recently as everyone is putting the effort in. We are all satisfied with the amount of work we have all done.

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