Tuesday 24 February 2009

Half-Term Editing our Thriller

During our half-term lesson in college, we used this extra time to cover the loss of the lesson which was cancellation due to poor weather conditions. We used this time to do as much editing as we can. As all the group members arrived, I helped Selma put on her contact lenses so we can film the last scene where Character B's blindfold is taken off by Character A. However, as it was my birthday and due to time loss I had to leave the half-term workshop at about 12pm, leaving Henok, Ola and Selma to film and log and capture the closing scene.
However, after I had left Selma couldn't stay much longer either as she had brought her little sister along with her because there was noone else to look after in her family at that time. Because of this the closing scene couldn't be filmed on that day and now Henok and Ola were left to continue with logging and capturing.

They both successfully finished logging and capturing and made a quick start on editing the many clips we had taken, putting them in order and combining the rellevant ones together to help make the clips flow smoothly from one clip to another.
As a whole, Henok and Ola made a great job of logging and capturing all the clips and making a start on editing the thriller, they also wanted to go onto adding sound to the squence but unfortunately ran out of time and had to leave college.

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