Thursday 5 February 2009

Pitch lesson

During our lesson with Mary (Monday 19th January 2009), we had to finalise our ideas, as a group we used this opportunity to create and chose who is going to play which character in the film opening and what roles they had. Ola, a member of our group was giving the role of explaining and convince Mary who had taken on the role of the ‘investor’ of our thriller. He explained and elaborated on the main plot and themes of our thriller, variety of different camera angle shots, movements and use of soundtrack and music. However, while explaining our pitch, as a team we realised that some of our ideas had been challenged and that we hadn’t thought enough about our ideas, this resulted to us to have another group discussion about our pitch. We carefully analysed our pitch and plot and came to a conclusion that our idea was too similar to a previous students’ work which would not get us the grade we were aiming for. Therefore this led us to completely crossing out our political and supernatural idea, we gave ourselves a task of going home and coming up with completely new ideas for our completely new thriller. This made us fall very far behind compared to the rest of the groups in the class, where they knew what they were going to be doing.

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