Tuesday 3 February 2009

Choice Of Location : King's Cross

The filming location of kings cross was ideal for our group, as we wanted to a sort of rural weird kind of background. Behind the King’s Cross station is a huge gas-o-meter which we thought was the perfect place to film as it looks very mysterious and many people would not know what this tall looking monument is, including myself and other members in my group when we first saw it. Therefore, this would be a good location as our thriller is supernatural and the sense of loneliness in the area could illustrate the alien figure as alone. We also chose this location because we have easy access to the location as it is about 15 minutes away from our college and also meaning that if we needed to film there again for any reason, it will not be a problem.

We believe no other group will be filming in this location so that we are the only group filming. This would avoid any distraction from other groups and other groups using or copying the same camera shots as us at this location. This will show a different background compared to everyone else as many groups are filming at London Bridge, our turned down choice of location, which would become boring on film because the majority of the year are probably using this location.

We plan to visit and film this location outside of class time so that we can finish our filming as soon as possible as we are a little behind schedule. We decided as a group that on one day that we all have a free period, we will use this time to film in this location instead of using class time where we could just film our indoor filming during class time. We are yet to know where are limits are in the location like how close to the gas-o-meter we are allowed to film because it is believe to be doing some constructional work during this time. Hopefully, the constructional work will not be a problem and that we can use all of the area we need for our filming in this location.

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