Tuesday 24 February 2009

First Lesson- Back from Half-Term

During our first media lesson back from half-term, our group didn't waste any time got straight on and carried on where they had left off from the lesson from half-term. As I was slightly late for the lesson, when I had arrived I was very proud to see that my group members were all sitting around their tables with their heads down and concentrated with the work that they were trying to produce and make even better. They were now fully editing each shot, every shots duration and making sure they're all in its rellevant order.
I watched how further we had come and happy to say was proud of my group and the work we had produced. Seeing all the clips in a perfect order and flow, made the idea of our thriller looking professional was starting to become more real to us. As we were the first students to create a supernatural thriller, we were quite shakey about how it come out and we started doubting how good we could make it look. Nevertheless, we were know believing in our selves even more now after seeing how much we had produced considering what situations and problems we had experienced on our path to making our thriller look very professional and also going by our rule of 'simple but effective'.

Also we finally filmed the closing scene of Character B's coloured eyes being exposed, now things were starting to look even brighter for our group. Whiel Henok, Ola and Selma were filming the closing scene, I stayed in the editing suite to link more clips together and make sure there isn't any flaws in the flow of the squence. After I had completing checking for any errors, I muted all the background sounds on our squence and started to listen to a variety of sound effects which we could use for our thriller opening. I had chosen a couple of different sounds to give us a wide range that we could chose from, I had all of these sounds ready so when they rest of my group returned from filming the closing squence we could go straight onto chosing the perfect sound effects for our thriller.

After the rest of my group returned we quickly logged and captured what they filmed, we got straight onto editing the clips onto our thriller squence, we were now trying to chose the sound effects for our scenes but unfortunately time had beaten us again and adding the sounds were left to the next lesson.

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