Saturday 28 February 2009

Filming Again!

In today’s lesson (Monday 23rd February 2009) we had to stop editing for a while as we needed to film the very ending of our thriller opening again. When we had filmed previously we left this part out as we had not yet obtained the contact lenses for Selma when she opened her eyes.

As we went to film again we had to try and get everything in the room exactly the way it was in the previous shots. This was very challenging as we no longer had the fake blood for Selma’s face and also she was not wearing the same clothes that she was wearing the same clothes that she wore previously.
To overcome this problem we decided that when we were filming we would only show one side of Selma’s face and we would not show her clothes at all.

Whilst filming we took the same shot but using a variety of techniques for example a point of view shot and a high angle shot. We found that the high angle shot worked better, as the point of view shot often blocked the lighting and showed both Selma’s clothing and lack of blood on her face.

After filming we logged and captured what we had just filmed and then watch all of them to see which clip was most suitable. After we found the suitable clip we added it unto the timeline and watched all of the thriller only to find that the lighting in the last shot (what we had just filmed) was completely different to the lighting prior to this scene. The red lighting I had adjusted on Selma’s face was too strong, so we once again went back to film. By now I was feeling under pressure as this required me getting my costume back on (lab coat and gloves). Another reason I felt a lot of pressure is because we was using up a lot of time by filming several times, so this time I was determined to get the lighting adjusted just right. Before we left I watched our thriller to see exactly what the lighting was like, thus allowing me to duplicate this again.

As we went to film again I moved the lights about so we could get that right balance of white and red lighting, in order for it to match with the lighting in the previous shots. We filmed again using all the shots that we used previously, then went back to log and capture it. This time the new clip fitted perfectly with the rest of the thriller so went unto putting in transitions in between shots.

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