Tuesday 24 February 2009


Our synopsis of our final supernatural thriller idea

1. We start with a shot of just black; this is a close up of the floor.
2. Tilt up to show the feet of person 1.
3. Go around person; close up of person 1’s hands.
4. Close up of person 1’s face and they are blindfolded.
5. Show the blood on the face of person 1.
6. Close up of person 2’s feet at door.
7. Then close up of door handle, person 2 opens door.
8. Match cut, we see person 2 coming in from point of view shot of person 1.
9. Point of view shot looking slightly through blindfold at person 2.
10. Point of view and over the shoulder shot of person 2 walking towards person 1.
11. Close up of scalpels being cleaned.
12. Point of view shot as he takes off person 1’s blindfold, this is in slow motion.
13. Close up of person 1’s eyes.
14. Flashback in black and white showing a flashing light, this is filmed at a Kings Cross Industrial site.
15. Person 2 walks up to this object and picks it up then scene ends.

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