Saturday 21 February 2009

Half-Term Editing

On Monday (16/02/09) during our half term myself, Henok, Selma, and Sevin all came in to do some more editing. I was first to turn up, I came in at 9:30am thinking I was late and the rest of my group would have been their working already but I was wrong, I had to wait for some other members of my group to turn up. After about ten minutes members of my group started to turn up and so we started editing.

We started logging and capturing while Sevin put the contact lenses in Selma’s eyes. Due to it being Sevin’s birthday she had to leave early, leaving myself, Henok and Selma. But Selma brought her little sister and had to leave to take her back home. This meant that the filming of the last scene was no longer possible as it was only myself and Henok left in college.

We decided to just go ahead with the editing, we finally finished the logging and capturing and went straight unto putting the clips together. This was also another lengthy process as we had so many clips to choose from. We started putting clips together and then watched over it to see if it made sense and also to see if their were any other clips that would be better in that area. After we had completed this task and watched over it we came over some faults. Transitions between some shots were not good enough and so we asked Rebecca for some help and she showed us some transitions on the editing software that made the transitions much better.
After this problem had been resolved we were to go unto sound but their was no time left and so we decided to leave.

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