Wednesday 25 February 2009

Monday 23rd February - Trying to Finish Editing

This was our last 3 hour lesson we had for the production of the thriller sequence film, which meant that we had to make the most out of it. Because Selma and Sevin had to leave early in our half-term session, we showed them the editing me and Ola had got up to. Both of them was pleased of the amount of work we had done and thought certain effects we used were good.

There was still a piece to the puzzle what was still missing. This was the shot with Selma with her eyes open with the alien looking contacts in. we still had to do this part as it the most crucial part of our thriller. Therefore, we had collected the camera equipment again and set up the room so we could film that part. We decided on two camera shots to use for this part, it was out of a point of view shot or a close up birds eye view shot. We tried both and whichever one looked better and more effective and presentable, we would use that shot.

When we came back to the editing room, we logged and captured our new piece of film and added it to our thriller. We recognised that the lighting was too dark and the contact lenses did not stand out. When we showed this to our teacher, she did not even realise Selma had the contacts in during the film. The contacts colour was violet meaning that we needed to give her a certain type of lighting for it to clear on film. Our teacher suggested to film this part again with the spotlight lighter. Because we had to do this, again this messed up our schedule for the lesson.

We went back to the filming room and filmed this part again. We made sure the lighting was right and covered around five shots of the shot of her opening her eyes. We then went back to the editing room again and logged and captured. Once we deleted the old shot and added the new one, we seamed satisfied with the way it fitted it.

However, we thought there was a way that we could zoom into her eye for it to link into our next shot. Our teacher said that we should have zoomed into her eye on the camera. We were all frustrated at this because it meant we had to do this again even though there was a way on the computer that it could zoom into her eye but the quality would be terrible, as it would look very fuzzy and look bad on film, especially on the a cinema screen.

We did not have time to film this part again because the lesson was over by this time. We were very disappointed with this lesson because we were on a high and we had just, basically, wasted a lesson because we did not go any further in our thriller production this meant that we definitely had to use time out of lesson to carry on with our thriller. However, the lesson was did not turn out so bad because while me, Ola and Selma were filming, Sevin was making sure the editing was fitted correctly and looking through soundtracks for us to use when we add sound. This was very clever from Sevin and she had saved us a lot of time as she put together some sounds that our group likes.

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