Thursday 19 February 2009

Monday 16th February - Coming in Half-Term to Edit

My group and other groups made the effort of coming into college on Monday 16th February during the Half-term holiday. We all came in at 9:30am to carry on with our project and hoped to finish the editing of putting and fitting all we wanted together in a two minute thriller.

When I arrived, Ola was the first person from my group in college so me and him got our tape and carried on logging and capturing. A few minutes later, Selma arrived but with her younger sister because she had to look after her while her parents were at work. This meant that she would have to leave early because her younger sister would get bored. Sevin arrived with her relative and informed us that she had to leave at 12 because she had to get ready and set up her birthday party later that day.

Sevin decided that she should finish logging and capturing because she would be the first one to leave. Selma brought the contact lenses in so we could have filmed the finishing part to our thriller but it would take too long to set up everything like how it was set up the previous Monday so we decided to do it next Monday.

When the logging and capturing was over we started to put our sequence together. Whilst doing this we found out that we could not use some shots because they wouldn’t flow well when putting the production together. We had at least three different shots of action being carried out so we had options of which one to use. This did take quite a lot of time because we had a lot of shots to choose from and we all wanted each shot to emphasis or symbolise something.

During this process, it was time for Sevin and Selma to leave and when they went leaving me and Ola to carry on with developing the film. After we had finished the rough sequence we had to use some fades because some shots were not able to flow together and we decided not to film those particular parts again because we would have to go through a long process which we didn’t have time for.

It was looking very good when we had finished our rough copy. I then showed Ola the Live Type software on the computer and which element I wanted to use in our thriller. Once I showed him, he loved it and said that it was great because it has the supernatural feel to it. We agreed to use it but this meant that we had to cut little parts out of our rough copy in order to fit this part in because two minutes is a very short time.

Overall, this period was a very hopeful time as we accomplished what we wanted during this time. The most challenging part of editing is trying to fit everything in the time space available. This meant that we had to cut scenes and shots shorter and ditch some irrelevant parts. This was hard and very frustrating at times but we got through it allowing us to move on to adding sound. Ola then left and I were going to stay a little bit more to start on the soundtrack but my teacher said that there was no point because the session was going to close in 20 minutes.

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