Saturday 21 February 2009

2nd Filming Session for Thriller

During Mondays lesson (09/02/09) we had our second filming session and Rushan was on-call for assistance. Henok took on the role of the camera man and setting up the set, Sevin done all of the make-up, props and costume design, Selma was an actor, and I (Ola) done the lighting, setting up the set and was also an actor.

Since we had already filmed the majority of my scenes we thought we should get started on Selma’s scene as it was the most crucial part of our thriller opening. Henok done all the filming and as we went along Rushan, Sevin and myself gave Henok ideas of where to place the camera e.g. high angle shot, low angle shot, close up or long shot. This meant that every new scene that we filmed took very long to film as we took different types of shots to see how it would work when we came to editing and also to create diversity so that all our scene did not loo the same. Also whilst we was watching the thriller openings of the previous AS students I remembered that Mary told us you get more marks for wide use of camera shots, this is the main reason why we took so many different shots of individual scenes.

Selma’s scene showed her tied to a table with her eyes covered, and there were close up’s that show her struggling and moving her hands and feet to try and break free. After we finished Selma’s scene we then started to work on finishing my scene but as we were filming I realised that I had pens in my pocket but because we had already done so much filming we just decided to film the whole thing again.

The groups dedication and commitment was really shown as even when it was break time the whole group stayed and carried on working, this motivated me to work harder and do less joking; though during frustrating times I saw it as my job to tell a rubbish joke or do something stupid to try and get everybody to laugh, which could lift the mood and help us get on with our work.

At the end of this lesson I felt very satisfied about the volume of work we had managed to do in one lesson and the fact that we had now closed the gap between our group and the rest of the class.

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