Tuesday 24 February 2009

Our Second Filming Lesson

During our Thursday lesson after the cancellation of our Monday lesson, our group members were back in college and were very nervous on how we were going to make up for the 3 hours' of filming and editing we had missed out on, apart from one group member; Ola as he was ill due to having the flu. This was devastating for our group as he was one of the two main characters in our thriller. However, we such minimal time we didn't even have any time to be put down by the absence of our main character, we had to think hard and very fast on the spot. We finally decided to go ahead and film in King's Cross as this was the only scene where Character A was not in. We were glad to see that there was still some snow left fromt the heavy snowfall on Monday and that we could use the snow in the background to add effect.

We only had 1 hour and 30 minutes to get to King's Cross, film the scene and be back in time before the end of the lesson so we had to quickly get our filming equipment and head off to our filming location.

Once we arrived at our location at King's Cross, we were met with a problem which we hadn't thought so much about; being able to film next to the gas-o-meter. I had gone to ask permission from the guard that was on duty, he radioed his boss and asked if we could film there but the answer was no, as it was a health and safety hazard as there were trucks coming in and out. We asked if we could film next to the monument on the other side of the fence and they said that it was fine as we would be filming on the pavement and it would be their responsibilty. Annoying as it was, not being about to film right next to the monument, we were also grateful that we were this close up to it.

I helped Selma get ready into her costume and make up, I also had to cover her costume in mud and dirt to convey the suspision of what had happened to her before she came into the scene. Once that was done we started filming. towards the end of our filming session we decided to watch back what we had filmed. To our horror we discovered that we had not been filming when we were supposed to film and been filming when we didn’t want to like when I was helping Selma get ready and trying to get the setting of the scene ready. We were lucky to have discovered this early and still had some time to film, only in the short period we had left, we couldn't film exactly what we wanted. We tried to capture as many shots as possible to give us alternatives if we weren't happy with some shots or angles.

Overall, this day was very frustrating for us as we had such little time to film almost everything we needed to film and the confusion of not filmin being added on top of it made the situation even tenser. However, we believe that we made a great job of thinking very fast on the spot and despite the absence of our main character, we managed to move forward with our thriller. Hopefully, Ola will recover from his flu so we can film the rest of the scenes, start editing and have our whole thriller porject successfully finished in time for our deadline.

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