Saturday 28 February 2009

Doing Our Soundtrack During Enrichment

Today (Wednesday 25th February 2009) everybody in our group came back to do our thriller opening during enrichment time and so we started were myself and Henok left, regarding the soundtrack. I took out the list of sounds that myself and Henok had compiled and we got down to seeing where each sound fitted in best. Then Selma had to leave as she had made previous commitments, leaving myself, Henok, and Sevin.

As we were searching for sounds we came across some different sounds that together with the video looked and sounded very good. So we added these sounds in and before we new it we had done three quarters of the sound already. Making the soundtrack was probably the first thing we had done in which we had not really come against any real problems. At about 4:45pm I had to leave, but was later informed by Henok later on during the day that himself and Sevin had stayed till about 6:00pm and I was amazed at their dedication.

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