Tuesday 24 February 2009

Filming Location

As our thriller was decided to be a supernatural thriller, we decided that we needed to find a location that nobody would have known what it is and none of the othere groups would be filming there. The ideal location for this description was next to the gas-o-meter in King's Cross next to the train station. This was the ideal location as it was an industrial setting and looked like it related to our thriller title and our storyline. We also thought this was a good choice of location as it was only about 15 mintues distance from our college, this helped as the less time it took us to get there, the more time we had to film. Also, as the area where the monument is based isn't a path which many padestrian's use, it was even better because this meant that we wouldn't be experiencing the problem of having irrelevant people in footage unlike when filming in college.

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