Saturday 28 February 2009

Thursday 26th February (Overcoming Major Problems)

During today’s media lesson (Thursday 26th February 2009) our group continued editing our thriller by making sure it ran smoothly and that all the match cuts are actually matching. After we watched our thriller and made all the necessary changes we then found that in order for us to add in an effect from the software ‘LiveType’ we would need to have a zoom in into Selma’s eye during the last scene. At first we contemplated filming again but then though about the amount of time that would be taken doing so. We then decided to ask Micky for assistance as to whether or not we can zoom into Selma’s eye through ‘LiveType’. Fortunately Micky said we could do this but the bad side is that the quality of the image shown reduces dramatically. After being shown this we decided it was the best option for our group as we did not have enough time to film once again.

We used Micky’s technique (zooming into Selma’s eye) showed to us on the computer as this would save us a lot of time, thus allowing us to move unto making the credits.
Sevin got started on the credits and as she was doing so I was given her title ideas e.g. make-up artist, and lighting. Sevin went through the credits very swiftly and before long all the credits were done.

After we had finished the credits we then added the special affect that Henok had found on ‘LiveType’. We was now very close to finishing our thriller opening but despite staying behind after lesson we could not finish all of it today, as their were still loads of little parts that needed adjustments.

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