Saturday 21 February 2009

Logging and Capturing our Thriller

During Thursday’s lesson (12/02/09) we started editing our work. But first we had to divided our group as we needed to buy the contact lenses for the last shot of Selma. Sevin and Selma went to Finsbury park to go and buy the contact lenses and myself and Henok stayed behind in college to start logging and capturing all of our work.

Unaware of the amount of filming that we had done me and Henok put the tape in and started rewinding it to get to the beginning of our thriller. This was very difficult and time consuming as we could not see the rewinding and we had to guess where to stop it. We finally got close to the beginning and so we let the tape play so that we could start the logging and capturing as soon as our thriller had started.

Both me and Henok logged and captured the most of what we had filmed for the rest of the lesson, this was very time consuming as we had done so much filming. By the end of the lesson we had done most but not all of the logging and capturing.

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