Thursday 5 February 2009

Going back to supernatural

After our ‘not so positive’ previous lesson on Thursday, during our lesson with Mary, we seeked advice from an ex A-Level student called Rushan. Although the rest of the groups in our class had gotten ready and gone out to film the opening sequence of their thriller, we had to put our heads down and decide which thriller we were going to create, as we were very far behind from the other groups in our class.
After a long discussion as a group we decided that we were going to use Ola’s idea to create our thriller. We also explained to Rushan what Ola’s idea was and asked for his opinion on our choice. Again, to our horror he told us that he had heard of this idea before and had even tried the same idea himself and that it hadn’t gone as well as he had expected because it was a very complicated idea. He advised us to think of a new and fresh idea. We also rethought about our other group member, Henok’s idea however, we decided not to use it because his idea was also a little too complicated and could confuse the audience.
To our delight, Rushan came up with a completely fresh and original idea in a couple to minutes, which lifted our hopes very much. Rushan’s idea brought us back to our original idea, which was our idea of creating a supernatural thriller. However before deciding to use Ruhan’s idea to create our own thriller, as a group we decided if we should put this idea into action, as it was and original idea and we couldn’t waste anymore time on creating a new pitch and storyboard, we decided to use Ruhan’s idea. We also used our own ideas to elaborate and develop on his idea. We also used a another location which I had thought of. After listening to Ruhan’s idea and visualising it in my own head, I thought that using a few clips of the ‘supernatural’ character in King’s Cross and suggested that we film some clips around the industrial area where the gasometer is based. And after showing where I was talking about on google, my group decided to use my idea and film a few clips there.
As a result, we had finally thought of an idea for our thriller and plot, and now we had the task of making a list and preparing props we would need when filming and what clothing would be worn and creating a storyboard.

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