Thursday 5 February 2009

Scrapping our thriller

After scrapping our political/supernatural idea for our thriller, as it was too similar to a previous students’ work last year, during Thursday’s lesson with Rebecca, our group had to think of a completely new storyline for our thriller. A few group members had a couple of ideas, we listened to each idea carefully while they explained in detail, we finally decided that we should use supernatural as our theme for our thriller opening and now we were trying to think of new ideas which were not in any way too similar to any other students’ work. After consulting Rebecca and asking her views on our new idea of using the theme of supernatural for our thriller opening. To our horror, she told us that we had chosen the hardest theme to use for our thriller, this slightly brought down our hopes of creating ideas for our thriller, as this was the second time we were scrapping our ideas. We analysed the thrillers we liked from the ones we watched clips of and concluded that the reason why they were so effective was that they were simple but also effective. With Rebecca’s help, we created a brainstorm all together and again decided to go home with the ideas we came up with our help from Rebecca and come up with ideas to suit a simple opening, we needed to develop completely new ideas, and this included creating a new plot and storyboard. We also decided that on our Monday’s lesson with Mary we would have our ideas ready, combining them and creating a new pitch.

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