Sunday 8 February 2009

Thursday 5th February - King's Cross Filming

We went King’s Cross to film this lesson. We were supposed to do our indoor filming this session but because of the absences of one our group members, Ola, who acts in out thriller, we were not able to. So we decided not to waste time and do our short scene at King’s Cross. On this day the weather conditions of the snow effect we wanted to add was still present as it was only three days after the heavy snow. This meant we could still get the snow effect we wanted but most of it was gone with only some ice patches.

This was our 1 hour and 40 minutes lesson so we had to travel to King’s Cross quickly and film as much as we can and return just before the lesson was over. So we went to get our equipment from the media office and went straight away.

When we got there we realised we only had 30 minutes to film and then make our way back to college. Because there was construction work at the location going on at the time, we asked if we had permission to film inside of the construction site so we could be as near as possible to the gas-o-meter. The construction worker asked his boss but the answer was no. So we had to film on the pavement outside the construction site. We were not happy with decision because we planned to film as close as possible to the gas-o-meter and filming on the pavement will be interrupted many times as many people will be wailing pass the camera making us having to repeat filming the scene.

We couldn’t do anything about it so we had to deal with filming on the pavement. Sevin helped Selma get ready into her costume and make up. Once that was done we started filming. Near the end of our session we looked at we filmed at and discovered that we had not been filming when we were supposed to film and been filming when we didn’t want to like when Sevin was helping Selma get ready. Luckily we discovered this early and were still able to film, only in the short period we had left, what we wanted. We tried to capture as many shots as possible. When we played it back, it was not what we expected but there was not any time left so we had to pack up and go back to college.

Overall, I was pleased that we were able to film that short scene and get it out the way and that we filmed when there was still a little bit of snow left. However I was not so pleased how the outcome of the captured film had come out. Lots of time was wasted because we didn’t realise that we were not actually filming when we thought we was. Hopefully, Ola will recover from his illness so we can film the rest of our indoor filming in college and completely finish the project on time

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