Wednesday 25 February 2009

Tuesday 24th February - Free Period to Carry on with our Thriller

Yesterday, we decided we would come in on Tuesday morning to carry on with our thriller project but Selma was unable to make an appearance because she had lesson at this time. We chose this time because three of us, Sevin, Ola and me, were all free this period. We decided to start at 9am but everyone arrived at 9:30 but Sevin was absent because she had an important piece of English coursework to hand in the same day, in the afternoon, so me and Ola were the only ones there.

Because Selma could not be present, we got on with the soundtrack and went through all the appropriate sounds we could use. We wrote down all the sounds that were an option for us and came across some amazing sounds we could use which we did not expect to see or use. The soundtrack software was very astonishing as it stored so many sounds and had the same sort of sound in a different way, e.g. the door opening squeak had like five different types. This was an advantage for us, as some would fit in with the timing of our shots.

When we had gone over most of the sounds, we transported our thriller sequence on to soundtrack and started to add sound to it. It came along smoothly and sounded better as we went along. I believe this was very exciting as we could explore all the different sounds to put in and that we could put sounds over sounds making the film look better. However, this was a long process as it took a very long to keep going back to the sounds we liked. We could have easily done it from the beginning but we decided to go through all the sounds first so that we could choose the best sound possible.

Me and Ola have shown how dedicated we are to this project by using our own time to carry on work with this. We have been doing this since the start of the project in order to make the best opening film production we can. Selma and Sevin have also shown their dedication by coming in the holiday with us and they were going to come today but something came up. Ola and I decided to use our college enrichment time to finish this project off, or hope to. Our last lesson for this project is on Thursday 26th February and we hope to have everything done and dusted.

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