Tuesday 24 February 2009

Logging and Capturing our Thriller

During our Thursday lesson before we broke up for half term we started to edit our work but we needed to divide our group as we hadn't filmed Character B's blindfold being taken off and the audience seeing the abnormally coloured eyes. For this reason, Selma and I had to go Finsbury Park to purchase the red coloured lenses to complete our thriller sequence while Henok and Ola stayed at college to log and capture all of our footage.

While Selma and I were absent, Henok and Ola had started to log and capture all of our work, however, they were not aware of how much filming we had done and were trying to find the first scenes of when we had started to film, they had to rewind right to the beginning of the tape to get all our work and assume where to stop the tape.

To our horror when we arrived at the chemist to purchase the coloured contact lenses we saw that they didn't sell red coloured lenses. This changed everything for our thriller as red was the main colour and representation of our theme of supernatural. Not know what colour we should purchase I decided to consult Henok and Ola on the phone. We finally came to a decision that the most effective colour to use was to used purple coloured lenses.

While Selma and I were trying to make it back to college in time with the contact lenses, both Henok and Ola had logged and captured the most of what we had filmed for the rest of the lesson, this was quite difficult and time consuming as we had done so much filming. By the end of the lesson they had done most but not all of the logging and capturing.

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