Sunday 8 February 2009

Monday 2nd February - Snow Day

The poor weather conditions of this day caused college to be cancelled. This was due to heavy snow down pour. The snow was very deep making it impossible for the transport system to operate in the conditions, as it was very dangerous. This means that it was very difficult for anyone to travel and attend college on this day so college was forced to close. This affected my class the most out of all the other media classes as we had a crucial 3-hour lesson where we could have finished all our filming and then move onto editing by the next 3-hour lesson.

However, if college was open and there was some sort of access, my group could have used the snow as an advantage. I was thinking as we could have filmed our thriller in king’s Cross with the snow making it look even more mysterious causing it to be more suspenseful and that nobody else would have filmed in the snow making more different and unique compared to everyone else. Furthermore, the main point I wanted to film in the snow is to cause a sort of effect of the literature term, pathetic fallacy. This would give the impression of how the weather reflects the mood in the thriller. The snow gives to feeling of isolation and loneliness, and this is what we are trying to portray in our alien character. The clearness of the snow could convey emptiness in the scene as it has no particular colour, it is just clear. All these things could show how snow would have been suitable for this scene and by my group experimenting with the snow; I think it could have made our overall production look that extra little bit better.

It would also mean that the mise en scene would have played a huge role in our thriller. I believe this would have been perfect because it would show that we have thought deeply of why we use the weather in our advantage and make full use of our surroundings to make our thriller look better. When I saw the snow that morning, that was the first thing that came to my mind and if we had the filming equipment I would have filmed in the snow for that particular scene but unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to travel all the way to King’s Cross with no busses or trains in service.

Later that day, I was in contact with one of my group members, Sevin, and I asked her to try to film the red light in the snow with her digital camera to see how it would look on camera. She did this the next day but all the snow had turned into ice and also had all the grit over the floor so this did not turn out how we wanted to see it, in the nice clear white snow. It was too late by this time. This was a missed opportunity. The filmed shot she had taken caused visual pollution on camera so we decided not to use it and delete it.

Overall, missing this vital lesson has delayed our class, especially my group be because we were a little behind in filming. However, our group stayed in contact and we all thought of camera shots we would use for our next lesson so we would not be delayed anymore. We also decided that we would be using more time out of lesson to film in order to catch up because of this crucial lesson being cancelled.

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