Tuesday 3 February 2009

Thriller Name: Dis-Connected

This title refers to what our thriller is about. It relates to the plot as we are going to film the alien and this device in two different locations. The audience will identify that this sort of device is connected to the alien by, hopefully, the device being the same colour as the alien’s eyes. We are going to do this be trying to get contact red lenses and a red flashlight so that the audience will recognise the connection between the two. However this maybe a problem if we are not able to get a hold of red contact lenses because they are very hard to find and may not be good quality ones as it may not show properly because everyone’s eye’s in my group are dark and we are filming in a dark location. But we will try our best to get the red eyes as we can easily get a red flashlight, like a bike flashlight.

Dis-Connected seemed as the perfect title as we hope show the audience that the alien figure is connected to this light and needs to be reunited. This will make the audience try to figure out why the two need to be connected. may lead them to confusion which is good because we don’t want to give too much away because it will not be thrilling otherwise as this piece of work is only an opening sequence of a thriller. I also believe that the less the audience know, the more thrilling it is as it will keep them on their toes and this is why we decided to do this and use this name.

I insisted in using the hyphen instead on it being all together as it gets across the message of separation. It could also give the sense of loneliness as if the two needed to be connected in order to survive. This title could illustrate many things which I believe is good because, again, the less the audience know, the more thrilling it is.

This image below is off the internet and is an example of how our group is going to display it in our film after all the production is finished. This is not the exact font or image we are going to use, one reason for this is because it doesn’t have the hyphen and that it is from the internet and not our own creation.

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