Thursday 26 February 2009

Our first filming lesson

In this lesson we finally started our filming session. We planned everything out we new what our props were, our characters, our camera shots etc. we decide to film our thriller in a media room next doors to ours because it was the perfect setting there was a black curtain to make it dark and different kinds of lighting on the ceiling which we could manipulate to our advantage .

We set out all the tables and put two tables together and covered it in a black cloth, that is wear the “alien” is meant to lye and another table to put a case on top of it for the “doctor” to use. We used red lighting and in contrast with the white lighting. The red lighting indicated blood, danger, fear etc. which is what we needed for our thriller film. In this filming session we only started to film Ola because we still hadn’t decided about what we should do with the alien yet, who should play the role and didn’t have the props for it either. So we decided to film it next lesson we would be more ready then, it would have been better to film the alien on that day because we could have done a lot of scenes in just one day.

We done shots of Ola waiting outside the door and entering but to do this and also build up tension we needed to have close ups of him opening the door and a close up of him locking the door we wanted to use match cuts for this scene so we had to do a lot of different shots to have a variety to choose from. As we see Ola enter the door we notice that we don’t see his identity which we done on purpose to keep the audience guessing who this mysterious person is, we only show his outline and hands but that’s all we reveal at the moment to build the tension needed in out thriller film.

After entering the door we done a couple of different shots of Ola walking up to the table where the case is. To follow Ola going to the table we done a low-level shot of Ola feet walking towards his destination. Then there’s a pan up of him still not revealing his face, then there’s an over the shoulder shot showing what actions he’s doing but keeping the audience guessing on what he’s going to do. There’s also a close up of Ola opening the case which creates high levels of tension, the audience want to know what’s in the case and wait with anxiety. At this moment of the over the shoulder shot Ola opens the case and reveals what’s inside by putting on latex gloves which is a key significance to the audience. The lesson was coming to an end even though we filmed quite a few good shots and it seemed we had done a lot we didn’t film as much as expected because of all the preparation needed and all the interruptions from other college students entering the room which ruined some of the shots. Our group were now used the whole idea of filming and now had the experience of it so it should be much easier to film in our next lesson.

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