Tuesday 24 February 2009

Last Session of Filming

During our Monday lesson with Mary, the ex student; Rushan stayed with our group to help and see how much we have progressed since the last time he had seen our work. As we were gettin ready to film our last sequence, everyone in the group took different roles. I, (Sevin) took the role of costume design, make-up, props and helping to set the scene. Henok took the role of the cameraman and Henok and I helped each other out when directing the actors. Ola and Selma took the role of the two characters, Ola was Character A and Selma was Character B. Ola also helped trying to get the lighting right for filming and made sure it suited the tension we wanted to created.

Since we had already filmed the majority of the scenes of Character A, we decided to make a start on filming Character B inside the room/laboratory as it was the most crucial part of our thriller opening. While I was doing Character B's make-up and preparing her props ( tying her up on the table with the rope), my other group members were trying to get the lighting perfect for filming. After I added the finishing touches, we were once again ready to film. Henok, as the cameraman was preparing to shoot while Ola and I were advising on which shots he should use and shoot from which angles. We took a varietry of different shots to make sure we get the perfect shot for our thriller, we were also told by Mary that the more diverse and larger variety of shots we had meant we would be gaining more marks, this was also a reason why we took so many shots.

Character B's scene showed her tied to a table with her eyes covered, there were close up’s that show her struggling and moving her hands and feet to try and break free. This scene was one of the most time consuming scenes to film. This is because, as Character B was really trying to show the frustration of being tied up, and for this the rope kept coming undone as it wasn't such a secure rope. After we finished Characyer B’s scene we then started to work on finishing Character A's scene.However he realised something, he had had pens in his pocket but because we had already filmed so much and gone so further, we decided to film that whole scene again. On the other hand, filming Character A's scene over again wasn't all negative, as we were filming we all got different ideas for type of shots and angles, everyone paid their contribution and our moods were lifted and we started to believe that we could finish our project in time for our deadline. Also with the help of Ola's funny and sometimes not so funny jokes our spirits were lifted.

At the end of our last filming lesson we were very pleased on how much our group had progessed putting into consideration how many negative times we had had and we belive that we have now made up for the time we had lost when our lesson had been cancelled and when we had to make changes with our ideas.

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