Tuesday 24 February 2009

Our First Filming Lesson

On our Thursday lesson with Laura, our group was finally ready to start filming. We had gathered all the props we needed to start filming and were waiting for the rest of the class to empty the room as we were going to be filming in the studio class in the college. After al the groups had left the classroom, we were able to start filmin our thriller. As a group we were all pleased with the amount of work we had done in such limited time and despite having to keep changing our ideas, we were all still very positive and enthusiastic.

As we still hadn't decided who was going to take the role of Character B, (the character wearing the contact lenses) so we decided to start filming the beginning of our thriller where Character B isn't in the scene yet. We started to film the first scenes of our thriller where there was an extreme close up of the door handle and Ola reaching out to open the door. We also filmed the second scene where Ola is walking in the room towards a brief case. After this there is a close up on the brief case and an over the shoulder shot so Character A is enabling the audience to see was lies in his suitcase. After this we allow the audience to see Character A slowly putting on rubber gloves. When filing these scenes, we made sure that each scene was acted with the slightest movement. We believe that by using minimal movement it would add onto the tension created by hiding Character A's identity from the audience.

After our first lesson of filming we were trying to think of different type of shots and camera angles which we should use that would help the audience interpret the relationship between the two characters and importance of status. We decided to use all kinds of shots and select the best ones to use when logging and capturing. We believe that this is the best way to get the perfect shots combined together.

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