Sunday 25 January 2009

15th January - Preparing for Pitch

This lesson was used to prepare an idea for our thriller. We were put into groups to decide what kind and how we want to do it. This was useful as it made us think about the locations and budgets for our thriller. It also made us figure out who is doing what in the group so everyone is occupied equally. We suggested a schedule plan so that we know exactly what we are doing all the time and that we do not fall behind.

Firstly, we all announced our ideas to the group to and had numerous discussions of what idea we should use. We tried to use certain parts of someone’s idea and mix it with another person’s idea so that it could eventually come out good. After a while, we started to get mixed up because the ideas were not coming together so we thought just to come up with something simple but effective. To help us figure out what we wanted to do, our teacher allowed us to watch some AS thrillers from last year so that we can have a clearer idea of how our thriller should be. We learnt a lot from the previous thrillers like the location they used to portray what was going to happen or what they were doing, like one clip was set in Canary Wharf but the filming inside the lift was done at the college. This clever strategy benefited them because perhaps they were never allowed to film in one of the buildings in Caner Wharf so they used the college lift without it being noticed in the thriller. This allowed our group to make suggestions of what parts of our thriller should be filmed out of the college premises.

After this we brained stormed our new ideas on a large piece of sugar paper. We came up with doing a political/supernatural thriller because it we believe it will be unique and very much thrilling. We thought about the location carefully so that every aspect of our thriller has meaning to it and if we have permission to film in a particular. We planned all the camera shots we are going to use and thought about effective they are going to be to convey something.

This lesson was very useful as we now have a better idea of what we are going to do in the future so that we do not waste time because we are all confused.

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