Sunday 25 January 2009

Scrapping our original thriller

During Thursday’s lesson with Rebecca, our group had to take on the task of rethinking our overall storyline for our final thriller, as our initial idea was not really well thought out and was too similar to an a-level thriller group of the previous year. We were trying to think of another supernatural thriller idea but with no avail. After seeking help from Rebecca she told us that this was actually the hardest of the thriller genres to do. After hearing this and finding difficulty thinking of a new thriller, we were advised by Rebecca to start from the very start and scrap the whole supernatural thriller idea. We told Rebecca everything that we liked about previous thrillers that we have watched (the fact that these thrillers were simple but effective) and from this she brainstormed possible thriller ideas for us. After this we as a group decided to go home and each come up with developed ideas; this includes a new plot and storyboard. In Monday’s lesson we will all come in and pitch our ideas to each other then pick which one we like best, thereafter we will tell Mary about our new idea.

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