Tuesday 27 January 2009

Saturday 24th January – Saturday out looking for possible filming locations

On Saturday, a couple of members from our class decided to look around for locations that we could use for our thrillers. We all showed our dedication by being present in this activity we knew what would be useful for us in making our thriller. From my group in it was me, Henok, and Ola (group 2 representatives), Tony and Nicole (group 4 representatives) and Eni (group 5 representative). We met up together to look around London for good effective locations. We started by looking around Angel but did not find any useful places as it seemed a bit ‘dry’ according to us so we quickly moved on and decided to look around the Embankment and London Bridge area as we had a feeling it would have some good visual locations next to the themes giving it that natural feel to it. It would also be more appealing to some our thrillers. We found some incredible sceneries while exploring the area and me and Ola started to think of what our thriller could be about as the locations were sparking thought through our heads.

We spent a good couple of hours in London Bridge. Tony took some pictures on his phone, as it had a good camera. Tony and Nicole loved the location and decide they wanted the location meaning that me and Ola had to let them have the particular location because we were not still sure what our thriller was going to be about. If my thriller idea is picked on Mondays lesson, then we would be using a great site I identified in London Bridge by the Bus station as there was a beautiful view of a white staircase were we could get many camera shots of the suspect in my thriller.

Overall this was a good experience for us and showed that we were all willing to sacrifice our own time to enhance our performance in our project. We discovered some amazing locations which could be used for our upcoming potential thriller as mine and Ola’s thriller can both use these locations.

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