Sunday 25 January 2009

Saturday out looking for filming locations

On Saturday myself (Ola) and Henok (group 2 representatives) went with Tony and Nicole (group 4 representatives) and last but not least Eni (group 5 representatives). We all sacrificed some of our Saturday to go around places in London searching for filming locations for each of our groups. At first we looked around the angel area and found that the surroundings did not really fit in with our personal tastes and thrillers. We all decided to around the Embankment and London Bridge area. Tony took pictures of some of the places that we visited via his mobile phone camera. Tony and Nicole decided London Bridge would be their filming location and this meant that me and Henok had to choose a different location. If our group decides to go for my thriller idea I picked one of the college offices and Tower Bridge to be my two main primary filming locations.

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