Saturday 17 January 2009

Filming (match-cuts)

In Mary's lesson our group had to go off and film different shots and it had to be someone doing something, in the previous lesson our class learnt about match-cuts i wasn't able to attend this lesson so one of my group members had to briefly explain it to me. In our piece we had to include a lot of various shots and a dialogue, we started with the filming and had to re-do some of the shots a couple of times so when it came to the editing we had numerous shots to choose from. we had to be really careful with the timing the location and try and keep it the same or make it link up to one another instead of having a completely different shot that has nothing to do with the previous shot and tohelp us do that we had a little help from a teacher just to help us understand the whole concept of filming and how certain shots can create a certain affect needed in the clip.

After the filming we transferred the files of the filmings we done to the computer ready to edit, we had little time to edit our shots but with all our quick thinking and being more familiar with the editing we were able to complete our clip on time, which i personally think is great it has everything we needed to include, but we weren't able to add soundtracks to it due to the time limit so we focused on just completing the editing and making sure it had all the shots,the dialogue and making sure it was steady.

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