Monday 26 January 2009

Reurn of the Supernatural thriller idea.

During today’s lesson with Mary we were given advice buy an ex a-level student (Rushan). All the rest of the groups in the class had gone out to film and we were behind. Once again, we had to revise both of our two potential thrillers. After spending some time looking at the good and bad points we had a group vote and my thriller idea was chosen. I then explained my thriller to Rushan who then told us he had seen this kind of thing before and had even done something similar whilst he was on the media course. He told us that when he done this kind of thriller it did not go well and advised us to think of something else. We all decided that Henoks thriller was good but would be a little too complicated and could potentially confuse the audience. After a few minutes, Rushan came up with a truly inspiring idea, which I was interested in from the time he said it was going back to our old supernatural thriller theme. He pitched us some of his idea then we as a group had to decided if we wanted to take on this thriller… the answer was yes. We developed his idea further and added a different location to it with a suggestion from Sevin. Sevin suggested that we did some parts of the filming around an industrial site behind King’s Cross; at first I must admit I was a little sceptical about it until Mary ‘Googled’ the area and showed us the area, this convinced me that it was a good idea. After all this we started drawing the storyboard and making a list of all the props that were needed to film and the clothing to be worn.

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